A Message From Sam:
We truly value your partnership in equipping Christian leaders around the world to fulfill the Great Commission (Matt 28:19).
But, we cannot do it alone. God has given me speaking gifts, but we need a team of prayer and financial partners like you to make this ministry possible.
Explore our site to see how God is using TRAIN!
From around the world, there is an ever-increasing cry for Biblically based Christian leaders and resources. God’s servants in Uruguay, Brazil, Mexico, India, Russia, Ecuador, Chile, Austria, Latvia, Thailand, Dubai, Scotland, the Middle East Region and North Africa and other desperately hungry places are begging for help!
In partnership with Step Forward Global Ministries, TRAIN is training pastors and Christian leaders in these world-wide mission fields.
About Sam Hoyt
In 1987, while serving as a Senior Pastor, Sam Hoyt first conducted two-week seminary training at the Evangelical Theological Seminary, Bangalore, India. In the following 18 years of pastoral ministry, Sam continued training with 15 visits to India, Russia (Moscow), Monaco, Panama, & Austria.
In 2005, Sam ended 31 years of full-time pastoral ministry and started TRAIN, Inc. in 2006. This allowed him to increase his efforts to train and develop this generation and next-generation Pastors and Christian leaders around the world in effective leadership principles and strategies. The purpose is to help fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ in Latin America, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, and worldwide.
Sam has been leading two-day, bi-annual Leadership Training Conferences in Uruguay, Brazil, Ecuador, Russia, Mexico, Austria, and Thailand, for John Maxwell's EQUIP Million Leaders Mandate. Sam also has trained leaders in India and Latvia. Some of these conferences include hundreds of leaders, over a 3 year
period, for a total of 6 sessions per location. Sam is now working in partnership with Step Forward Global Ministries to train Christian leaders in the Middle East and North Africa.
We are able to accept financial support directly through the website. If God leads you to contribute to this ministry, we suggest any of the following methods:
By Mail or By PayPal
5714 Kendrick Lane
Cumming, GA 30041
(517) 294-6064
Your gifts are fully tax-deductible. God bless you for your support of the ministry.
Millions live in spiritual blindness and bondage. Many devoted followers of Christ desire to make a positive impact, but lack the leadership skills to meet these needs. See our Mission Statement
"Without a doubt, the greatest need of our time is effective Christian leaders." - Sam Hoyt, Founder
Training Reliable Ambassadors
Internationally & Nationally
Developing Christian Leaders Around The World
5714 Kendrick Lane Cumming, Ga 30041 (517) 294-6064