TRAIN's Christian Leadership Training Approach: Ministry Partnership + EQUIP’s Million Leaders Mandate Conferences
- TRAIN provides training notebooks of
conference material
- TRAIN provides additional leadership
+ Evangelical Theological Seminary, Bangalore, India
- Seminary level courses taught for future pastors/Christian leaders.
+ Guest speaking or adjunct professor at seminaries.
Country Profile:
Brazil is the most populous country in South America with nearly 200 million people and is the most active country in supporting and sending missionaries. It is predominately Roman Catholic, but has seen great growth in evangelical believers in recent years. It is estimated that 3000-4000 people are coming to Christ each day. Trained pastors and Christian leaders are desperately needed to shepherd these new believers.
TRAIN Involvement:
TRAIN was involved in the initial phase of MLM leadership training in Brazil, responsible for three years of Rio de Janerio leadership training conferences.
TRAIN Conferences:
The first of six two-day leadership conferences was held in June, 2008, with over 1000 pastors and Christian leaders in attendance. Sessions were held every six months, concluding in 2011.
Country Profile:
Uruguay has the highest level of education in Latin America. Eighty percent of Uruguay's population are urban dwellers, with almost half of the country's people living in the capital of Montevideo. The population is mostly of European origin. Most are of Spanish and Italian heritage. Three quarters of the population are Roman Catholics.
TRAIN Conferences:
In March, 2009 TRAIN completed the first round of leadership training in Uruguay, having conducted 6 training conferences over a period of 2 1/2 years. The average attendance for the conferences was 750. The trained leaders are continuing to train others in the same material that they have been taught. Round two, featuring another 6 training conferences the following three years, averaged 850 per conference. Sam taught all 12 conferences during those 6 years.
Country Profile:
India is the second most populous nation on the planet with over 1.3 billion people living in a land mass 1/3 the size of the continental United States. India is predominantly a Hindu country. However, there is a strong Christian population there which is coming under ever increasing persecution by Hindu and Muslim extremists.
TRAIN Involvement:
TRAIN has an on-going teaching ministry every two years at the Evangelical Theological Seminary near Bangalore. Currently Sam is training approximately 75 seminarians from India, Nepal, and Myanmar who are preparing to be Pastors, church planters, evangelists, and Christian leaders in a variety of ministries. When the students graduate with a seminary degree, they will try to reach the 1 out of 6 people on the planet who live in India, as well as those in surrounding countries with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
Training Reliable Ambassadors
Internationally & Nationally
Developing Christian Leaders Around The World
5714 Kendrick Lane Cumming, Ga 30041 (517) 294-6064
Our Mission And Vision
To equip international & national Christian leaders to effectively lead and disciple the growing Body of Christ around the world, under this Biblical Foundation:
“And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others.” 2 Tim 2:2 (NIV)
Country Profile:
Russia underwent vast changes in the 1990's, moving from a centrally planned economy to somewhat of a free market system. The population of Russia is 142 million people, many of whom were raised under an atheistic government. The predominant religion is Russian Orthodox.
There is a spiritual hunger in many of the Russian people.
TRAIN Involvement:
TRAIN was invited to complete the MLM training in Moscow beginning in November, 2009.
TRAIN Conferences:
TRAIN conducted the last 3 training conferences in Moscow with a conference every 6 months. Those attending the conferences were the most influential 50 to 70 Baptist Pastors in Russia who oversaw 100's of Baptist churches!
Country Profile
TRAIN Involvement
TRAIN Conferences
Country Profile:
The Middle East is the land of the Bible. But in today's world the Middle East is in constant political, religious, and military turmoil. However, there is a deep spiritual hunger for meaning and purpose in life. Some Middle Eastern countries are closed to Christian missionaries. However, God has raised up Christian believers in every country sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and leading underground churches or open churches depending on the country.
TRAIN Involvement:
TRAIN works in partnership with Step Forward Global Ministries that focuses on training Pastors and Christian leaders in Middle Eastern countries as well as in North Africa. HUB conferences have been the strategy for training, bringing the Christian leaders out of their countries for a training conference to Cyprus or Lebanon where the training can relatively safely take place.
TRAIN Conferences:
TRAIN has already been involved in 5 training conferences for Middle Eastern Christian leaders in Cyprus, and once in Lebanon for key women leaders from Lebanon and the Middle East. In the fall of 2022 there will be a major international training conference of Middle Eastern Christian leaders in Beirut, Lebanon.